Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of six members elected by the shareholders at the Annual General Meeting each year in March, and three members elected every fourth year by the employees in accordance with applicable laws.
A highly competent Board of Directors with proven experience in key fields, is essential for the success and growth of NKT when striving to ensure that the Board of Directors has a mix of competencies that cover all critical aspects of the business and support NKT’s growth in new markets.
Therefore, annual Board evaluations are conducted assessing not only the Board’s efficiency and commitment, but also the Board’s experience and competencies which should reflect NKT’s strategy. NKT’s latest Board assessment was conducted in December 2021 and shows that the Board, collectively, has skills and competencies within the cables industry, sustainability, manufacturing, international management of business operations, as well as CEO and CFO experience. Not only are the Board evaluations used for identifying potential competency gaps, it is also used for succession planning of Board members ensuring that the Board always has the skillset as a group that match NKT’s needs.
Employee-elected Board members
NKT's Board of Directors includes three employee-elected members. They are elected as Group representatives as NKT A/S does not by itself meet the criteria for employee-elected Board members. The Group representatives are elected to the Board based on the number of votes available to the appointed electors in the Danish Group companies. The number of votes is in proportion to the size of the individual company.
Employee-elected Board members serve a four-year term and have the same rights, duties and responsibilities as shareholder-elected Board members, and may be re-elected.
The election is organised by an Election Committee responsible for the distribution of voting forms and counting of votes. If the number of candidates does not exceed the number of seats on the Board of Directors for Group representatives, the candidates are elected automatically. When the election has been completed the Election Committee publishes the results and ensures that the elected candidates are registered as company Board members with the Danish Business Authority. The employee-elected Board members take office on the date of the NKT Annual General Meeting.